Monday, March 21, 2016

My interview with T. Williams

I interviewed Terrell Williams Coach and PR person for the Neo Elite Youth Basketball program in Cleveland Ohio. (
Bryce: Thank you for conducting this interview with me via Email, and I will just be asking you a few questions about the PR position you’re currently holding.

Bryce: What are your responsibilities and how do these responsibilities integrate with marking and business objectives for the organization?

T. Williams: Having a passion for traditional media, as well as social media. Having a good sense of marketing communications, and being a strong strategic thinker.Being able to adapt and communicating clearly and accurately. These tools help with reaching out to new people, and drawing new kids into the program. We focus so much on getting youth Basketball players a better look, and it has become more relevant of who you know and how you network, so communication is key.

Bryce: What methods of communications does the organization use to reach your publics, and how are they effective?

T. Williams: We have a very strong presence on Twitter and Vine. We like to show case the talented youth in our program, and video’s are our best friend. If a kid goes behind his back, or hits a deep jumper, it all makes for marketing martial.

Bryce: How has your public relations practice affected the reputation of the organization?

T. Williams: Well we have grown in the number of participance each year the last three years, we plan to grow even more next year. The top High School coaches in Cleveland, Ohio are at these weekend events scouting, and the local news has began to take part in coverage.

Bryce: Thank you Coach for time, and good luck during the AAU season.

T. Williams: You’re welcome, and thank you.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

All Stars

Starting September 23rd 2016 PBA will be hosting an under 18 Bowling All Star tournament . We will be show casing trick shots, team games, and individual games. The tournament will be held in Cleveland, Oh and there will be prizes for all the different age group winner. The most important thing to remember is that all kids are winners and our goal is to put kids in a position to go to college and better their life through the uses of Bowling.

All proceeds and donations will be given to the PBA for kids group, where we give scholarships to students who are into the sport of bowling and looking to go to college. The students must sign a letter of promise to maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5, and bowling average does not matter, just as long as the student partakes in bowling a minimum of once a month. All donations are welcome.

We look forward to putting on a all day event which will be broadcasted on ESPN 2, and replayed for the next several weeks on the PBA channel, and the PBA app. The PBA is will to help with expenses for all the kids participating in this years event, and we wish all good luck and remember that all kids are winners.

Bryce Brown spokesperson for PBA
This is a class assignment and not an actual post by a spokesperson or organization, all information in the above is false and for a grade.